Saturday, December 18, 2010

I am not in a good position anymore. 
My walls have come down.
I feel so exposed, so bare, alone.
My insides are out, passing
and my outside is gray.
Without my security of running,
that blanket that held me so thin,
I now turn the other cheek
and throw up all my happiness

"God, help me believe that I am beautiful. Don't let me believe the lies of the world.  Help me see that I am perfect just the way I am, I don't need to change.  Please show me.  Help me see that I am wrong to destroy your temple, I know I am wrong.  Keep this on the front of my mind. God, I want to be beautiful in your eyes.  Help me believe what I know is true."

1 comment:

  1. Renee, I understand that this is a very hard time for you being away from your friends, team, and running. Please never forget that you have an amazing family who loves you. I Love You. If you would listen to Jonny Diaz - More Beautiful You, I believe it might bring a smile to your face. You are beautiful inside and out. 1 Peter 3:3-4
