Saturday, June 5, 2010

no stopping!

i have had 2 great runs the last 2 days. both days i ran 40 minutes at 8000 ft on hills....and no stopping at all! it is a great feeling. as i was running, the question occurred to me: what is keeping me from stopping right now? why not just stop?

there is a drive deep within, not sure what it is or why i was chosen to receive such a great gift; but i am so very fortunate to be able to run. i thank God everyday that i have this ability and that i can excel.

tomorrow is going to be a great run, we are going down to laporte again and running on the trail. i imagine i will be running 75-90 minutes. i am incredibly excited. we keep growing our group and each run presents new stories, new advice, new memories, new people.

yesterday was probably the lowest day emotionally i have experienced. i just wanted to cry, i wanted to leave, i wanted to quit, i wanted to run more, i wanted to scream, i wanted to run some more, i wanted to write but no words flowed together, i wanted to be alone. i have be struggling with sensitivity lately, and God has been showing me through different situations how to handle such things. i know how to act and how not to act, and i have been being selfish but it is so hard when you lose motivation and feel like everyone is against you. i guess there were just little things mounting on top of others, and finally my volcano had to blow. i am so fortunate to have such a wonderful friend in Loren that i can talk to her about anything even if it is embarrassing or has the opportunity to affect our friendship. she is wonderful, i am so blessed to have her in my life.

back to work with a dandelion necklace around my neck,

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