Saturday, December 3, 2011

MRI reads....

i got my MRI read this past week.  thankfully, there is no tear; no fracture, no serious setbacks.  i was told i could get an injection in the site because it was just some serious inflammation and fluid around the tendon.  i decided to hold off on the injection.  i asked if i could do a dose pack first (some serious anti-inflammatory drugs).  i have been taking these for about 3 days now.  i am seeing some small improvements here and there.  i can no longer feel the pain while in the boot and when i get up in the morning, i no longer have intense pain.  this is great news.  i am still killing it on the bike and find it rather relaxing.  i get really bored so doing a workout every single day helps keep the fire alive.

yesterday i biked with carson.  we did 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 with one minute rest in between each interval.
today i biked 10x2min fast with 1 minute rest in between each interval.

my lungs are busting and quads are aching.  i, dementedly so, enjoy this.  i noticed that i am getting really dehydrated lately because i sweat SO much on the bike.  am taking some electrolyte tablets in hopes to regain my SPUNK!  especially because finals are next week.  i have a paper due at 11am on Tuesday and a Biochemistry Final at 8am on Thursday.

Regardless of how my foot turns out and regardless to the grades i post this semester, i am beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of Christ.  I am loved and accepted by His grace alone. I am NOT defined by how fast i run or the grades i make.  everything is in God's hands.  i can't wait to see how everything works together for the glory of God.

Peace Love and Grindin'
Noodle Butt

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